- Logo 2.0, 2012 (6 artworks)
- Comment 1, 2012 (3 artworks)
- LOGO 2.0 – Bright Ideas in Logo redesign, USA, 2011 (7 artworks)
- Bright Ideas in Graphic Design (poster), USA, 2011
- Advertising professional in bronze (Logo / CI), Southern Germany, 2011
- Logo Lounge, 2011 (1 artworks)
- TrademarksUSA, 2011 (15 artworks)
- Advertising professional in gold (customer magazine) and silver (Logo / CI)
- Southern Germany, 2010
- Webdesign Index, 2010 (1 artwork)
- Logo Lounge, 2010 (3 artworks)
- TrademarksUSA, 2010 (4 artworks)
- Advertising professional in gold, Southern Germany, 2009
- The Big Book of Business Cards, USA, 2008 (10 artworks)
- Best of logo design 5, 2007 United States (34 artworks)
- Trophy in Gold, 2006 USA
- European Logo Design Annual – Eulda, 2006 Italy
- Global Corporate Identity 2, 2004 United States (18 artworks)
- The Big Book of Logos, 2004, USA, (11 artworks)
- The Big Book of Logos, 2001 USA (10 artworks)
- Best of Business Card Design-5, 2002, United States (3 artworks)
- Website Award “Approved”, England, 2001
- Bar and restaurant logos, 2001 (3 artworks)
- Letterhead & Logo Design 6, 2001 (3 artworks)
- Graphic Idea Resource – prepress, 1999 (2 artworks)
- Graphic Idea Resource – creativity 1998
- Bags, Boxes & Tags, 1998, USA
- The Best of Brochure Design, 1998, USA (3 artworks)
- The Big Book of Design Ideas, 2000, USA
- Global Graphics: Symbols, 2000, USA, (2 artworks)
- Creativity 36, 2006 (2 artworks)
- Creativity 32, 2002, (4 artworks)
- Creativity 31, 2001, (2 artworks)
- Creativity 30, 2000
- 2001 Award of Distinction (Americ. Design Award)
- 2000 Award of Distinction (Americ. Design Award)
- Creativity 28, 1998
- Creativity 27, 1997
- European Regional Design Annual 1997
- Package & Label Design, 1997, USA, (2 artworks)
- 1997 Certificate of Design Excellence (Eur. Design Award)
- 1997 Award of Distinction (Americ. Design Award)