Industrialization and economic miracle


Funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art

At the beginning of a new decade – On the way to becoming an innovative power

In 2022, Germany faces enormous challenges. “Dare to make more progress” – that is the title of the traffic light government’s coalition agreement. No other era represents progress like industrialization. Between the 1830s and 1873, it brought enormous structural changes to the cities of Western and Central Europe in Germany. The birth of urbanization. Daring to set off is what the period of the economic miracle from 1948 to 1973 represents. The Germans rolled up their sleeves. The famous “German Virtues” ushered in an era of prosperity that continues to this day.

How do we face the big challenges of the future together? Continuing increasing urbanization, globalization and, above all, climate change? This exhibition is dedicated to the friendship between different cultures, between East and West. It is a tribute to togetherness, without which we will not be able to overcome the challenges of the future. It is a plea for cooperation, for shared values, wishes and goals and for tolerance – respecting others in all their individuality. For peaceful coexistence in a globally networked world.

A selection of the motifs.

For comprehensive information and all works in the series, please send me an email for the PDF presentation.


Two fundamentally opposing attitudes prevailed – a scientific-technical-industrial one – and an intellectual-romantic-humanistic one. When German-speaking authors dealt with technology, it was usually not about the representation of technology, but about relationships with people and nature on society and history.

Industrial Synopsis IV – 1450°

Industrial Synopsis II – Kohle


Economic miracle: The “era” of the economic miracle in Germany essentially describes the period between the currency reform of June 1948 and the first oil crisis in 1973. The Marshall Plan provided important reconstruction aid. The currency reform meant that the black market disappeared overnight and the store windows were full again. Previously, everything had been produced on stockpiles. The basis for this system was the social market economy (free competition and social justice). An intermediate path between capitalism and socialism. Trade unions were part of this concept. Last but not least, the mentality of the German population and the German virtues were important for its implementation. The standards for quality of life are emerging. Today they are taken for granted.

Red Hundred Bill
